About Me

Hi i'm Dumpling. I'm a chocolate labrador, 2 years old. I like all kinds of food although cheese is one of my favourites! i live with my bestest friend Norm and 3 pussy cats two are brother and sister ginger ones, I like them :) and one is a black and white one he's all grumpy and scratches me alot! Dad is top dog in my house we also have 4 little human puppies who i love very much and mummy too. I'm not a very big doggie alot of dogs are bigger than me, especialy Honey and even Norm too! Hope you enjoy reading my blog i'll uptade as often as i can probably only at weekends cause top dog doesn't let me on any other day! Dumpling xoxo

Saturday 5 March 2011

We found the camera connector!!!

At last!
we found the camera USB so now i can show you some pictures although i  haven't quite got the knack for taking photos that Hsin-Yi has but i think they're pretty good. Isn't she sweet! although i think that's enough dogs now. three will do for me!
Ellie xx

Dizzy likes the camera! :)

us Labradors have a double layer coat for keeping up warm when we're swimming or out in the cold but Dizzy only has one and gets all shivery outside so mummy knitted her a doggy coat from her knitting book so she can go out in the cold.
But only in the garden for now 'cause she hasn't been to the vets for her special injections yet.    aw poor dizzy

Unfortunately i have to go out with her to make sure she's save and the weather here isn't as nice as it is in Australia where Honey lives!

Humph it's not fair she's allowed on the lawn why aren't we!
I promised i wouldn't dig up the flower bed again!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Dumpling! Sorry I haven't visited in a while but as you can see, I've had my paws full with a new little family member!

    And I can see you do too! Gosh, Dizzy is SO cute! And how lucky that she gets her very own-custom-knit sweater. It's so unfair that little doggies always get to wear the cutest clothes! :-)

    Honey the Great Dane
    ps. LOVE the colours of your blog!


Hi, leave some comments for me to reply to,
but remember your manners, anyone can see these so no nauty words or being nasty and growly to other people please.
thanks a load Dumpling and Ellie xx