About Me

Hi i'm Dumpling. I'm a chocolate labrador, 2 years old. I like all kinds of food although cheese is one of my favourites! i live with my bestest friend Norm and 3 pussy cats two are brother and sister ginger ones, I like them :) and one is a black and white one he's all grumpy and scratches me alot! Dad is top dog in my house we also have 4 little human puppies who i love very much and mummy too. I'm not a very big doggie alot of dogs are bigger than me, especialy Honey and even Norm too! Hope you enjoy reading my blog i'll uptade as often as i can probably only at weekends cause top dog doesn't let me on any other day! Dumpling xoxo

Sunday 20 March 2011

Sunday 20th March

sorry i haven't posted for AGES but we've been really, really busy with dizzy she's had her first lot of vaccinations so Ellie and mummy have been walking her round the garden and i've been helping too!
It's lots of fun and we've got tonnes of pictures to show you but unfortunately ellie is having trouble getting the videos to work so i haven't got any of those for you.

 Norm stole Dizzy's stick!


  1. Hi Dumpling! Wow what a fantastic jumper!! When are you going to get your one. I think a nice red and white stripe would suit you. Hmm....... I don't know about Norm, maybe a woolly hat would be more in keeping with his personality. The little skwirt sure is tiny! But all so cute! I could almost eat her,well not really - I mean just cos she's little doesn't mean I'd use her as a lollipop. Hmm.. quickly changing the subject. Well impressed with your site - fandabydozy!!! Elze must love you sooooooooooooo much. Wished Nan would do something like that for me. All she does is keep constantly throwing the ball for me to fetch. Honestly Im 84! How much longer can I keep this up I don't know! I'm hoping a rotweiller will come along one day and chase her til her hair falls out! Oh joy!! Now I know you have your own site I'll keep in touch -Hugs, licks and love from Chewy xxxxxxxx Well done Elze! Well impressed!xxxxxxxx

  2. Awww...Dizzy is adorable! (And you too, Dumpling, of course!)


Hi, leave some comments for me to reply to,
but remember your manners, anyone can see these so no nauty words or being nasty and growly to other people please.
thanks a load Dumpling and Ellie xx